Today we worked on a 250 piece mailing. That only took us to break time so the ladies drove into town for a few hours to shop and lunch.. We had lunch at a real neat cafe called THE WAY CAFE. It was definitely Christian.. every one of their menu items were named after a Bible name.... like Acts, John ,Ester, Paul , etc. If you ordered a sandwich and a beverage, you could buy a piece of homemade pie for $1.00..... So I bought a piece of lemon to bring home to Tim... Tomorrow we work on another mailing of 2000 pieces.... It is real nice weather here and almost are breaking records for this time of year... Tonight we played 3-15 card game and Tim won!! Tomorrow night the plans are Captain D's for supper and then Wal Mart for a few groceries... The project is 1/2 over today...
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