Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Been a while since I have blogged. We volunteered to work a day for a Free Disney Ticket and so we ended up at a Huge Garage Sale for low income children. It was fun as all Tim and I had to do was sell coffee and donuts.... The next day, we drove 3 hours north to attend a East Michigan Free Methodist Reunion and stay over at our friends .. the Kincaids... Had a lovely time with them over Saturday and Sunday.. We were anxious to get back home as my sister Donna and her husband Dick were down from Cheboygan and were already at our home in the Cape... We went out to eat at Perkins and after we waited 45 minutes for our food ... it was COLD!!! I mentioned it to the waitress ( something I never do ) and she gave us all free pie !!!! We have enjoyed having my sister stay here with us as they are looking at a house to rent for March... The weather was up to 81* so we have been in swimming, shopping, restaurants and good home cooked meals...Now if we could only agree on the tv ... Dick only likes the weather channel!! ha ha.... They have found a nice house to rent and will be moving out on Friday... Glad it is only a few miles away so we can still see them a lot...The weather has now turned a cold 60* so no swimming for a while...Daughter Kathi and Mike plan to visit us over Easter with their 7 children so looking forward to their visit.. I enjoy reading all of your blogs!!! Carole


Anonymous said...

Hi you two. It is looking more and more like we are not going to get down to FL anytime soon. Glad you are having other company. Always love to hear about your activities. We have one bathroom down and one to go, windows, and flooring maybe yet. So have to be on hand to let workers in etc. So it goes.