Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Our fun filled week-end !!!

We spent Monday on Sanibel Island with our friends from Michigan.. Chuck and Sue.... The weather was perfect 80* Do we look like twins ??
On Sunday we had a small group of friends from church over for a hot dog roast for our 3x4.. That would be 4 family units getting together for 3 months and having a social.. Ben was busy at the grill keeping the hot dogs and hamburgs cooking...

We sure had a GREAT picnic and enjoyed the company... Our next social may be a movie and I heard the next one....maybe a wii challenge... FUN !!!!

On Friday, Tim and I traveled to Lakeland to attend the Reunion for the East Michigan Free Methodist Conference.. We stayed over night at Jeuneta and Burton.... long time friend from our ministry days..

We also spend some time playing games and eating breakfast with long time friends from Michigan .. Walt and Dora.... Delicious pancakes and bacon on their lanai....

Monday, February 7, 2011

Tim spend quite a few days cleaning, primeing, tapeing and painting our driveway... We had to park the cars in the yard.. probably be able to drive on it tomorrow....
This the result.. I think he did a very good job.. We have a big circular driveway !!

My birthday was last Wednesday.. ( YES !! I know Groundhog's Day ) and I received yellow flowers from Mark's family and red roses from Kari's family ( Ben actually bought them )

68 !!! Can I really be THAT old???

Ben and Tim enjoy the Hot Tub after work !! It was 102* .... NOT the weather !!!