Tim and me in Cozumel, Mexico on Friday... We went on an 8 day Cruise with our son and his family of 6... We had a great time but it is good to be home again..
We went on a tour of some of the Mayan ruins.... Here the guide took a picture of us through 2 windows.. We are on the other side of the building....
Stopping for donuts at a roadside donut shop... in Belize.........
nMahogany Beach in Roatan, Honduras............ Our HUGE ship in the back ground .
Here we are on our first shore excursion ......... Grand Cayman Island ............ It was a good time !!!!!!!!!
Hi Carole and Tim, I thought, maybe, you were not going to blog anymore. You and Gene and Joyce have not blogged in over 3 mos. I miss you all. Loved the pictures of you on your cruise. I looked at Tabitha's too. Pretty awesome. Is it affordable for us to go on something like that? What kind of conditions do you have on board? Do you have to dress up a lot? Is it like a mini city on board, are your rooms very big? How many places did you stop to see and how long was your trip out at sea? We have thought that maybe we might like to go with a group like the Gaithers group or a quartet group that were mostly Christian people. Let us know some details. Glad you could go and with family too, must have made it very special.
Good efforts. All the best for future posts. I have bookmarked you. Well done. I read and like this post. Thanks.
The post is very informative. It is a pleasure reading it. I have also bookmarked you for checking out new posts
The post is handsomely written. I have bookmarked you for keeping abreast with your new posts.
It is a pleasure going through your post. I have bookmarked you to check out new stuff from your side.
A very well-written post. I read and liked the post and have also bookmarked you. All the best for future endeavors.
You guys deserved that. Enjoy!
Nice pics to share with us.You most enjoy this beautiful places.Thanx to share this blogs.
They will readily admit I closed casinos... , the SUndowner, the Silver Club in Sparks, but they won't admit I am responsible for Silver Legacy.
Or putting the railroad underground so it doesn't have to blow its horn everyday at 3am through downtown Reno.
You don't admit the Silver Club despite the connection to the Hells Angel's murder at JohnAsquaga's Nugget?
You don't admit I built the Fremont Steet Experience in Vegas? "you did a lot there." How about free tickets for Santana?
I was standing out front of the motherfucking Mandalay Bay event center looking for a ticket to the riddick Bowe/Holyfield fight and couldn't get in. Fuck you worthless shit.
Don't forget the other obvious Vegas development::::Danny Gans at the Rio in Vegas. Anyways, he went to the Bellagio because of me and allowed to die, thereby alleviating the real of incurring further evil.
How about Brokeback Mountain? They allowed the same tactic to be employed after the BAtman movie people praised so strongly.
Did you know Steve Jobs was a Posevelski clue??? How about that for mover and shaker??
I think I built both separate parking garages at my two favorite casinos, a clue due to the connection:::Binion's Horseshoe (Rounders, poker) and CalNeva Reno. "One of them is mad." Learned a lesson:::Don't do what you're told. What the gods tell you is temptation, a test of your worthiness. You have accepted responsibility and will be judged for what's been entrusted to you, professionally, family, etc.
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