Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Kari and Andrea

It has been a difficult pass few days and will continue to be so... Our daughter Kari was 5 months pregnant and delivered a baby girl Andrea on Sunday. She is only 11" and 1#4oz. so if she makes it.. she has a long road ahead.. Kari was taken by ambulance to a top-notch hospital in Grand Rapids, Michigan.... where one of the machines Andrea is hooked up to is a million dollar machine... The baby is at this time ' stable' but then Kari developed an infection and had us very worried.. Through many prayers ( Thanks ) she is much better today. Daughter Kristy is driving down to be with her for a few days so her husband Ben can go back to the UP for some much needed time with the other kids and his work.... It is difficult staying here in Florida but that is what Kari ask at this time as we have alot of company coming for Easter and also her oldest daughter Abby is flying down to be with us... This is something she has been planning for months and Kari does not want her to miss it. I ask for continued prayers for us all at this time. GOD is good!! Carole


Anita said...

I know how you must want to e with her. You're all in my prayers.

Sherry said...

Praying for all of you.

I Peter 5:7