We are now back on the Sower project HEART in Lake Wales. We got alot done over the week end on the house...Today they took us for a tour of the ' village'... scary!!! They live very primitive back here to train for mission work in the ' bush' in 3rd world countries.. They make thy own candles, soap, butcher their meat, heat their water by solar on the roofs..cook over a fire outdoors,, . draw their water from a well. Grow their fish in ponds, vegetables, weave cloth, etc. It is all for their training and then we come back to our RV's with a.c., computers, cell phones, color tv, microwaves, dial numbered beds, etc... They also warned us about wild boars, scorpions, snakes, and coyotes!!! 1 day down and 11 to go... We are invited to eat any meal in the dining hall at the college.... Warner South Christian.... for a full buffet for $4.50 !!!!! We play games tonight with the other 3 couples... 3 from Michigan and our leaders from New York... The weather is in the 80's again but they are talking of a cold front coming in.. Love to hear from YOU!! Carole
Was it hard to leave your new house? Oh well, look what you have to look forward to...
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