This is the window that looks out on the pool. I closed the blinds as the sun was too bright for the camera. It is a great time to have my coffee and devotions here and watch the pool.... Tabitha sewed the curtains with some advise from sister Donna. Thanks girls!!! The dishes are my apple dishes...and apple
place mats.. TOO much?????
The only thing not apple are the pictures of the
grand kids on the refrigerator... Since this picture we have hung the stain glass window up higher...
Notice a normal coffee pot and toaster.. The salt and pepper are apple and even the ribbons on the baskets... TOO MUCH???????
I really love your kitchen, how cozy.
No, it's not too much! Wish I could see it in person!
The pictures look great! I think I want a theme for my kitchen now. Hmm.
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