We are now beginning our 60th Sower project at the Care Center in Lake Wales... There are 7 couples here and we know 6 of them... We are 113 miles from Mark's.... We are with- in walking distance from the Wal Mart and only a few miles from Bok Tower.. ( highest elevation in Fl. ) We have had some beautiful weather since we got back from Mi. We left our daughter Kristy to visit with Mark and Tab while we are at the project... We get 29 channels on the tv.. just from the roof antennae... We are still not sure about buying the house.. will probably know more by Monday... Plan to attend the Spring Arbor Reunion at Lakeland on Saturday. Should know a lot of people as we both went there... Wanted to keep in touch... Carole
Thanks for sending your blog address. We hope to get on the road Saturday morning but it is going to the coldest week of the winter. I have the RV connected to a 500 gal LP tank so should be able to keep it above freezing until we leave. Be safe--miss you. Bill and Carole
Good to talk to you the other day. Did you get my info by email about our churches at Laing and Snover? I like your new additions on the blog. You two look great in the new picture for the header. It looks like we are going to get a blizzard tomorrow, there are storm warnings up.
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