Sunday, April 13, 2008

Our Work Project in Tn.

Wow! What a week and week-end. We worked hard at the camp getting ready for a HUGE sale to benefit the camp kids. The Presbyterian Church in town was having a sale to send kids to this camp so we went in to help them set it up and work on it on our time off.... I have also been in charge of the Laundry room and have washed hundreds of sheets and towels and kids clothes ... 75 girls swimsuits and 49 boys suits!!!! They have 2 pools here and the kids love it but most do not have suits when they come... One kid even brought an empty suitcase to camp as she did not have any other clothes to bring... We had BAD weather on Th. and Fri. RAIN and Tornadoes... Drove 150 miles to our daughter Kathi's over the week-end and a tornado hit just north of town only 20 minutes after we had been in that area. Tim painted a bedroom for her, we babysit 5 kids, went to the park for a picnic ( Little Caesar's ) had strawberry short cake ( Strawberries are 1.00@ quart... played cards ( GIRLS won!! ) attended their beautiful new church and drove 150 miles back home to our RV... It is COLD here and work starts tomorrow. There are beautiful FALLS in the area...Also lots of caves... Hope to see them next week-end... One of the staffer here goes caving all the time ..150 feet down with his 12 year old son.. NOT ME !!! The trees are really budding out since we first came... Lots to do in Nashville... if you like COUNTRY... Carole


Kathi said...


It was nice to have you guys down this weekend. The kids are already counting the days until you return :) Thanks for watching the kids and for dinner, it was nice to go out. I love the new color in the room. I found out that I have a scrapbook page in the same shade. guess I'll be snapping a few pictures in that room! We'll get a lot of use out of our birthay gift.

:) Kathi

T.Mark.D. said...
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