Monday, October 20, 2008

Tag Game

It looks like I have been tagged by son Mark... I really wanted to play the game so when I read where Tab tagged Kathi as one of hers., I was going to call Kathi and ask her to tag me.. but in the meantime Mark tagged me. Thanks Mark!

10 years ago I was ....

.1. planning Kathi and Mike's wedding
2. living in Davison, Michigan
3. waiting for Tim to retire from Oxford schools ( His last year )
4. drove 25 miles one way to still attend our church at Pleasant View
5. painting the storage shed and planting mum flowers around the double
wide in the mobile park

5 things on today's' to do list.'...

1. read my Bible.. I am reading in Acts and am really enjoying it.. Wish I
could be as bold as Paul!!!
2. write in my journal. I write EVERY day . I am almost ready to start my
40th journal...
3. sort throught all my clothes and make a bag to donate to charity.. I just
bought 3 new items and need to make room in the closet. One thing
about living in a m.h. You don't collect a lot.
4. return 5 books that I have barrowed from this library before we leave
as I don't want to have to send them back by mail.
5. clean the m.h. for our company that is coming on Thursday as they will
be staying with us for 2 nights....

5 snacks I enjoy...

. diet pepsi.. does drinks count???
2. cashew nuts
3. ice cream!!!!!!
4.coconut haystacks ( candy.. very sweet... )
5. kettle korn

5 places I have lived... ( This is an easy one.. as I have lived in at least 35 places in my 65 years )

1. Mancelona, Michigan
2. Cheboygan
3. Santiago, Dominican Republic
4. Flint
5. Oxford

5 jobs I have had.... LOTS!!!!!

1. teacher
2. pastor's wife
3. foster mother ( 25 kids )
4. owner of motel in Mio
5. waitress

5 people I tag

1. Kari
2. Sue H.
3. Anita A.
4. Ruth J.
5. Gene and Joyce M.


Anita said...

Well, I've been tagged twice now! I'll do my best. Thinking back 10 years ago isn't easy!

amy said...

Thanks for playing along. I love reading your blog. Foster Mother to 25 children? What a wonderful gift.

T.Mark.D. said...

Hey Good Work!

Do you want to redo your top photo of DC? I can help call me on Saturday.


Dillehay said...

I like your new header. Beautiful scene!


Kari Bergman said...

I want you to know that I have made a blog. It is called
please look at it. love, Karlie

Gene and Joyce said...

Love the picture!!! How do I play tag? Do I respond to the headings you responded to? i.e Everybody answers these same questions? Love to.